Villages of Hope – Grounds Beautification Team

Serve Opportunity Description:
Gather weekly to help prepare the grounds for The Villages of Hope by weeding and raking. It is a tiny home community to benefit women who have previously experienced human trafficking and addiction.

About Partner:
Villages of Hope is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide a safe place to rest, renew and rebuild for women who have experienced trafficking or addiction.→ Learn More

Date & Time:
Ongoing Opportunities

Address to be given to volunteers once they have been approved in order to protect the women.

Family Friendly:
Teens 12 and up with adult supervision. (Can provide service hours for school)

Serve Type:
Ongoing Opportunities
Family Friendly?
Point of Contact Name:
Debbie Holmes
Point of Contact Email:
Point of Contact Phone:
(904) 253-3123
Partner Name:
Villages of Hope