Making Disciples by Equipping Church Planters

Our aim is to make disciples, following Jesus’ commission to reach all nations. Church planting allows us to focus on making disciples, not just converts. We support church planters and their families through strategic equipping, care, connection and resources, answering God’s incredible call on their lives.

In Revelation 5:9, John writes, “And they sang a new song, saying, ‘worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.” As a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus, our vision isn’t limited to all people locally in Jacksonville. It reaches globally to all tribes, tongues and nations.

Church Plant Partners

As a church family, we have a 10-year vision to plant 1000 churches all for the One name that is above every other name, Jesus. From Florida to the ends of earth, we invite you to view our interactive church plant directory.

Local Church Plant Partners

We’ve partnered to plant 550+ churches across Florida, California, Brazil, Africa, and the Middle East. If you live in Northeast Florida, we would love for you to be a part of one of our church plants:

Doxa Church — Orange Park
Refuge Church — Ortega
The Crossing Church — Julington Creek
The Dream Church — Springfield
The Ville Church — Downtown

Acts29 Network

We belong to Acts 29, a diverse, global family of church planting churches. With decades of experience, they focus on gospel-centered church planting, offering proven training, guidance, and tools. As a hub church, we are honored to provide local training, care, equipping, and resources for church planters in fulfilling the call to make disciples.

Interested In Planting A Church?

We prioritize church planting to make disciples as Jesus commanded. Through strategic equipping, caring, connecting, and resourcing, we empower church planters to answer God’s call through our Church Planting Residency and Church Planting Partnerships.

Church Planting Residency

Our twelve-month Church Planting Residency is ideal for those who are 12-18 months out from launching. This program prepares planters, their families and their churches to launch thriving, gospel-centered, multiplying churches.

Church Planting Partnership

We partner with church planters in the final stages by providing multiple years of financial support, access to our pastors and ministry leaders for guidance and care.

Have More Questions?

Whether it’s a question about service times, a prayer request or anything else in between, we make a point of personally responding to every message sent to us.