Developmental Components

Summer Internships
The Summer Internship is a 10-week investment for someone looking to discover and deepen a potential call to ministry. A summer intern will experience immersive ministry opportunities, evaluated leadership experiences and intentional theological and ministry development.

The internship will run from June 1st – Aug 5th, 2025. Each intern is responsible for individually raising support for their summer salary. Our partnering organization, Reliant, will provide each Intern with in-depth training and coaching for raising support. If needed, housing is available. A non-funding option is also available.

Could the Lord be calling you into full time vocational ministry? This experience will help you discern what your next step is in your discipleship journey, whether that is full time ministry, serving or personal development. Our goal is that at the end of your 10 weeks, you have the clarity to take a next step in your discipleship journey.

Intentional Development
You will be jumping into our School of Ministry and will study a few books of the Old Testament, Wayne Grudem’s Bible Doctrine and Confronting Christianity, while also taking part in a weekly Bible study focused on how to discern a potential calling to ministry. We hope that you don’t take yourself too seriously, but that you take the Word of God and your theological understanding and development very seriously! One key component of your summer is that you would live out what it means to be a ‘disciple’ or ‘learner’ – we are committed to life-long-learning around here!

At the Church of Eleven22 we are disciple-making-disciples. Through your summer internship, you can expect to be alongside someone who will be intentional with your spiritual, not just professional, development.

Intern Events

As a summer intern, you will be a part of the following key events:

  • Summer Kickoff Dinner
  • All Staff Meetings
  • Top Golf Intern Outing
  • Jacksonville Mission trip June 23-25 (Students)
  • Short-term Mission Trip Send-Offs
  • Beach Bowl Outing 
  • Two Student Camps (July 2-5) (July 28-august 1)
  • Retreat Day
  • Commission Dinner

A Week in the Life

As a summer intern, a typical week will likely include the following:

  • Planning and strategy meetings with ministry area
  • School of Ministry teaching
  • 1-1 w/ Supervisor
  • High School/Middle School large group
  • All Staff Meetings
  • Sunday Serve
  • Summer Intern Hang Nights / Bible Study

Have More Questions?

Whether it’s a question about service times, a prayer request, or anything else in between, we make a point of personally responding to every message sent to us.