Are You Being Called To Go?

At The Church of Eleven22, we believe that discovering and deepening your faith involves movement, choices and intentionally living your life on a mission. Are you at a stage in life where God is showing you how your studies, work or retirement can greatly benefit His kingdom? Is God calling you to leverage your time, talents and treasures in full-time ministry to those who have not heard the good news of Jesus or are in desperate need of love, encouragement and discipleship?

If God is calling you to serve on the mission field, we would love to connect with you on the application, training and sending process of being sent as a long-term missionary through The Church of Eleven22.


We believe God calls us to go and make disciples in obedience to the Great Commission. Are you called to be sent through The Church of Eleven22?


We pray for our missionaries as they answer the call to bring the gospel across cultural barriers, light into dark places and hope to the hopeless.


We send long-term missionaries worldwide, supporting them through prayer, discernment, training, and partnerships.

Have More Questions?

Whether it’s a question about service times, a prayer request or anything else in between, we make a point of personally responding to every message sent to us.