Jude Devotional

Jude Devotional – Day 40

March 3, 2024

v. 25 – Amen.


Will you pray with me?

Father, thank You for my friend who has spent the last 40 days studying the book of Jude with me. I pray You would bless them, keep them, and cause Your face to shine upon them so Your ways would be known in their life, in their family, and to the world through them.

Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill their mind with the peace of the Kingdom of God, their soul with Your presence, their heart with Your love, and their body with Your strength so Your joy would be found complete in their life as they follow You and help others to do the same.

Jesus, I pray you would be their highest treasure and you would truly be before all things in their life as You continue to reveal to them the heights, widths, and depths to which You have gone in order for them to be a part of Your family forever. Please show them You are the way in any area of life where they are having a hard time finding their way. Show them You are the truth if there is anywhere they believe or are being tempted to believe a lie and that You are the experience of true life. I pray their best and fullest days of life are ahead of them in Your precious and powerful name!


Friend, thank you for inviting me into your time with the Lord. I have truly been honored to be a part of your journey to deepening your relationship with Him.

If I can pray for you or you just want to say hi, please email me at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!